

Concise Lexicon of Christianity

Teachings, worship, rites, sermons, and terminology

Scripture Readings for Epiphany

The Season of Epiphany begins on the Epiphany, 6 January, and ends on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. This season varies in length, depending on the date of Easter Day. If Epiphany is only four weeks long, for instance, you use the first three Sundays, then skip to the Last Sunday.

Epiphany is also called ordinary time, because the Sundays do not have special names, just ordinal numbers.

In many churches, if the Epiphany does not fall on a Sunday, it is observed on the previous Sunday, which is then called Epiphany Sunday.

In the Season of Epiphany, use the readings for:
Year A in 2026  |  Year B in 2027  |  Year C in 2025

2025 (Year C)

2026 (Year A)

2027 (Year B)

Other Seasons

Advent | Christmas | Lent | Holy Week | Easter | After Pentecost